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Mommy Makeover in Cleveland, OH

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Our mommy makeover procedures are designed to help shed extra inches around the waist and lift or enhance tired breasts.

It is an excellent solution for women who have had one or more children, but the techniques used can also be beneficial for patients seeking a full-scale body enhancement.

What is a Mommy Makeover?

A Mommy Makeover is a customized combination of cosmetic surgeries that can help women recover the youthful bodies they had prior to childbirth. Under the direction of board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. John C. Pedersen, Plastic Surgeons of Akron is committed to every patient’s satisfaction and well-being. Schedule a consultation to learn more about Mommy Makeover. It may be time to do something for you!

Why consider a Mommy Makeover?

Pregnancies, births and breastfeeding can take a toll on women’s bodies, making them long for the appearance they had prior to motherhood. A proper diet and exercise are essential but often not sufficient to restore a mom’s earlier figure. For our patients in Cleveland Mommy Makeovers can help reclaim a youthful and toned look and correct much of the aesthetic and functional damage done to the body by pregnancy.

What procedures are available in a Mommy Makeover?

Mommy Makeovers have no set combination of cosmetic procedures. Each Mommy Makeover is chosen and tailored by a woman and her surgeon to address her individual needs and goals.

Often the series of surgeries address a woman’s breasts and abdomen since motherhood almost always changes those areas. So, your Mommy Makeover may include breast enhancement, breast reduction, and a breast lift. If you want to reduce, tighten and contour your abdomen, you might want a tummy tuck and liposuction as part of your Mommy Makeover.

But you can also consider other procedures, including:

  • Arm lift
  • Thigh lift
  • Injectables
  • Brazilian butt lift
  • Facial plastic surgery
  • Medical spa treatments

Working together with our team at Plastic Surgeons of Akron, you can select from an “a la carte” menu of procedures designed specifically for you. The goal is to improve the appearance of any area of your body that has been affected by motherhood.

Cleveland Mommy Makeover patient

Are you a candidate for a Mommy Makeover?

Mommy Makeovers are available to any woman over 18 in good general health. But you may want to wait until you are finished with giving birth before pursuing these procedures.

You should be at least six months post-childbirth and at a stable body weight. Smokers should quit before undergoing any surgical procedure, as smoking can increase risks during and after surgery. And remember, it’s important to approach your Mommy Makeover with realistic expectations.

patient for Mommy makeover Cleveland

Are there risks?

All surgeries carry risks, such as excessive bleeding, infection, poor wound healing, complications from anesthesia, and allergic reactions to medications or surgical materials.

Selecting the right doctor

Partnering with the right doctor is the most important decision you will make in optimizing the success and safety of your Mommy Makeover. Plastic Surgeons of Akron founder Dr. John C. Pedersen has more than 18 years of experience as a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon.

How Much Does a Mommy Makeover Cost?

Costs will vary, according to the number and types of procedures included in your customized Mommy Makeover plan. Often, your procedures can be combined into one surgical session, which can greatly reduce your overall costs.

If your surgery or surgeries are performed purely for cosmetic reasons, your health insurance will not pay for them. Check with our team for financing options.

Cleveland Mommy Makeover patient

Your consultation and preparation for Mommy Makeover

During your consultation for a mommy makeover Cleveland plastic surgeon Dr. John C. Pedersen will take your complete medical history, including all previous surgery and a list of any medications or supplements you are taking.

You will need to avoid aspirin or any other substances that can promote bleeding. If you smoke, you will be directed to stop for a period before and after your procedures as determined by your doctor.

If you need to lose some weight, the pre-operative period can give you the opportunity and motivation to do that. Get in shape! Not only will it improve your health and happiness, but it will also help you maximize the benefits of Mommy Makeover.

The day of your surgery

Your Mommy Makeover will likely be performed as outpatient surgery, although your doctor may recommend a stay in an overnight recovery suite. You will be given anesthesia by a licensed and trained anesthesiologist who will monitor you to make sure you will not feel anything or be awake during the procedure.

Depending on the decisions made by your surgeon and the procedures selected, a Mommy Makeover can usually be performed during a single operation, generally limited to five hours. But, for safety reasons, your selected procedures may need to be spread out over multiple surgical sessions.

Following each surgical session, make sure you have arranged for someone to drive you home. It’s a good idea to also make sure you have some help around the house for at least a few days.

Patient for Mommy Makeover in Cleveland

Your recovery

Expect some soreness, bruising, and swelling for at least a couple of weeks. You must not drive until you have stopped taking any prescription pain medications. You may need anywhere between two and six weeks before returning to work. No heavy lifting for at least six weeks, and that includes babies weighing more than ten pounds. Consult your doctor on resuming sexual activity during your consultation, as different procedures will require different recovery timelines.


While you will immediately see results from your Mommy Makeover, it may take a few months for you to reap the full benefits. As your swelling goes down and your healing progresses, you will see tighter, healthier skin, better-defined curves, and a more youthful silhouette emerge with each glance in the mirror. Your clothes will fit better, your body will feel more invigorated, and you’ll begin to notice a rejuvenated sense of confidence and ability.

Schedule your consultation for a Mommy Makeover in Cleveland today

Moms consider motherhood to be a calling. But as children age and the birthdays pass, it’s only natural for women to want to recapture their youthful pre-motherhood figures. At Plastic Surgeons of Akron, our Mommy Makeovers help restore your vitality and sense of self as a strong, energetic, beautiful woman… and an awesome mom!

We’re proud to serve Akron, OH, and all of metropolitan Cleveland. Dr. John C. Pedersen and his team at Plastic Surgeons of Akron warmly invite you to schedule a consultation to explore the benefits of Mommy Makeover.

Cleveland Mommy makeover patient

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