(330) 614-7002 Consultation

Kybella Double Chin Eliminationin Akron, OH

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Drastically improve the appearance of a
double chin with Kybella!

Kybella is the first and only FDA-approved non-surgical treatment for excess submental fat, more commonly referred to as a double chin. This non-invasive treatment consists of a series of injections containing deoxycholic acid - a substance naturally found in the body that breaks down dietary fat.

Our Akron Kybella patients see results in as little as two to four treatments, with a maximum of six treatments being performed. Best of all, since Kybella destroys the fat cells at fault for that extra bulge, once you achieve your desired results there is no need for retreatment - results are permanent!

Call today to schedule your consultation. We’ll answer your questions about this revolutionary new procedure.

Receive a one on one consultation with one of our surgeons at our beautiful practice in Akron, OH